Sorting 2 , 000 , 000 postal orders at 15 , 000 an hour ingenious Post Office machines deal with football orders . Sorting and collecting postal orders in their serial order at the rate of 15 , 000 an hour , five times quicker than human hands can do it a dozen ingenious machines have been installed at the Money Order department of the GPO in Cornwallks Road , Holloway , to deal with the of orders . Huge numbers of the postal orders are dealt with mainly from the football pools . One of the biggest concearns send in 2 , 000 , 000 a day to the toatl value of 瞿 260 , 000 . The machines select the orders with electrical contact hammers and drop them into their correct pigeon holes . A torn or wrongly perforated order automatically stops the machines . Photo shows , two million postal orders at the GPO , money oder department at Holloway , London ready for sorting . 4 March 1936

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