On board SS Djaharta , Suez Canal , Fourteen ships , seven nationalities and sixteen months wait have resulted in a ini Olympics ?. A total of 15 ships have been stranded in the Suez Canal since June 5 , 1967 following the Arab ?Israeli conflict , with 14 of them in the Great Bitter Lake and the American cargo ship ?Observer ?in Lake Timsah The Mini Olympic games were held on board the Polish cargo ship Djaharta carrying a cargo of 5 , 307 tons from Jakarta to Alexandria . Some 200 seamen from the entire anchorage converged to the Polish ship and competed in 14 different events . The British team won the soccer and archery events . The Poles topped the medal table winning four gold , four bronze and four silver medals . The Swedes won four gold and two bronze medals , With the west Germans winning three gold five silvers and three bronze medals . All the ships were festooned with flags and life boats swirled around with sailors chanting the Great Bitter Lake Association hymn ?We all live in a yellow submarine ?The seamen call themselves a mini united nations but ?know no politics ?The medals carried the words ?Great Bitter Lake Association Olympics 1968 ?, The association also have their own neck ties , head gear tie pins bearing the GBLA emblem . They also have their own stamps which are recognized by international postal unions 16th October 1968

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