Serbia; city of Ni? Roman tombstone with relief father; mother; child inside Ottoman built Ni?fortress; background: Today's Ni? the antique Roman city of Naissus; is regularly associated as birthplace of Roman Emperor Constantine I (the Great); who ruled 306 - 337 and became St Constantine; later on. In fact; in 2013; it hosted the celebration for famous Constantine's Edict of Milan; which happened 1700 years ago. A spectacular monument with portrait of Constantine has been erected on the river bank of Ni躠va to honor him. But Romans were on the spot since 75 BC; building a military road and discovering the place as highly important Gate between East and West. Roman tombstones inside the Ottoman fortress and artifacts in National Museum; including a copy of a Constantine marble head; proof the evidence of the Roman presence. Constantine's father was Flavius Valerius Constantius (31st of March; 250 - 25th of July; 306) a noble Roman military officer from Roman province of Moesia Superior; who became co-emperor Constantius Chlorus in 293 and founder of the Constantinian dynasty.Mother of Constantine (born around 272 AD) was Helena (246/250 - 18th of Aug. 330); according to archbishop Ambrosius of Milan (St Ambrose; 340 - 4th of April; 397 AD) a "buona stabularia"; well behaving inn-keeper. Consort of Emperor Constantius Chlorus; she was Empress until her politically enforced divorce (ca. 289 AD).Historical sources confirm the presence of Constantine in town not only in childhood; but also in 315; 319; 324; and 334 AD. He was the one to construct the most remarkable Roman remains of Naissus; the complex of Imperial villas at Mediana; as his summer residence between 317 and 330 AD. The huge area; covering 400 000 m? consisted of ca. 40 Roman villas; including the the Imperial palace (6 000 m?; and 80 buildings; including baths (thermae); a granary (horreum; 150 m west of the palace); and a water tower; marking the end of a Roman aqueduct. Two early Christian chur

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