Serbia; Krajina region; City of Negotin: New Serbian Orthodox Town Church of 1876; at Market Square; background: City of Negotin (16700 inhabitants; municipality: 36 900); whose name may have derived from Latin origin (market place; place of stores); is worth a visit to see the New Church of 1876; with gun powder depot in the yard; equestrian monument and museum of famous Hajduk Veljko; the ethnographic collection in museum of Krajina; the house museum dedicated to famous composer Stefan Mokranjac; the old church of 1803 and monasteries in the municipality. Or pay tribute to Bacchus and enter directly Matalj Vinarija for wine tasting. Negotin municipality also hides Roman traces. In Roman resident area and mausoleum (built 293 - 311 AD) of Vrelo 鑑rkamen; discovered only recently; archeologists found in 1996 beautiful royal gold jewelry from reign of Emperor Galerius and Maximinus Daia (3rd/ /4th century AD). And there are the ongoing excavations of Roman settlement Seli躷e with necropolis in village of Rogljevo; some 22 km south of Negotin in the hillsides; 150 - 250 m above sea level.Rogljevo itself is famous for the production of high quality wine; for rich fauna and flora; medical herbs and wine festivals held here. But most exciting is a special architecture in the vicinity; the so called Rogljevske Pivnice; called also Rogljevsko Pimnice. This never inhabited village of 150 wine cellars (10 to 15 still functioning) was built around 1861; allowing the people to harvest the grapes in the nearby vineyards and staying there during harvest time. In 19th century; several villages in Negotinska Krajina had these special wine villages. Today; only a few are left and - are now candidates as UNESCO World heritage sites. More and more wine lovers following Serbian wine routes discover this unique time capsule; which once exported highest quality wines even to France; being paid in gold coins. The inscription of the French cellar in Rogljevske Pivnice is recording it. Vi

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