City of Drobeta Turnu Severin; Romania: bronze portrait bust of Apollodorus of Damascus; architect and constructor of first Danube stone bridge; 105 - 107 AD; courtyard of Iron Gates Regional Museum; Archeological Park; Most impressing object in the new; 2013 constructed Archeological Park around Iron Gates Region Museum of Drobeta is the pylon of the ancient Pons Traiani (Trajan's Bridge); which here once crossed the Danube. The arch bridge had 20 pillars; was placed on a length of 1127 m. It was up to 45 m (measured from the ground) respectively 19 m high (measured from the water surface). Its span length was 57 m. It allowed even legions to cross Danube by dry feet. Each end of the bridge was protected by a castrum. On today's Romanian river bank; this was called - aside with the settlement and military camp - Drobeta. This once walled camp will as well be part of the park. It was 137.5 m long; 123 m wide; and covered 2 ha. West of the fort; on Danube banks; rthere are also the ruins of the Roman baths of ancient Drobeta. Bricks indicate the presence of 5th Macedonica Legion of Roman forces.Eventually dismantled by Emperor Hadrian; who was in fear of invasions; it might have been in use again under Severus and Constantine the Great; before being destroyed finally by Danube waters. In 1856; all 20 pillars still could be admired by travelers; while; in 1906; two of the pillars were destroyed to open space for ships passing the area. For 1932; 16 remaining pillars are recorded; in 1982; only 12 existed. There is still the other entrance pillar on the right (Serbian) bank (near Kladovo). In future; prospects indicate; that the new archeological park may show after end of construction up to four pillars. There are also some Roman relics on display in the open air area; as well the fundaments of an old basilica. In the yard of Iron Gates Region Museum; there is as well a bronze bust of Apollodorus of Damascus (ca 65 - 130 AD); the most famous ancient architect; who b

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