Baile Herculane (Romania); historic town: Modern bas-relief showing episodes conencterd with Hercules; at Hercules Path; near Hercules Square; historic background of Baile Herculane (Hercules Bath; German: Herkulesbad): 40 km and one hour drive Northwest of Drobeta Turnu Severin and 19 km from city of Or?ova; the small town and spa at river Cerna (5000 inhabitants) exists minimum since 153 AD. An inscription verifies the presence of Romans here; who established a first spa called Aqua Herculi; dedicated to Greek-Roman mythical hero / god Heracles. Archeological discoveries in the ancient historic part indicate that there was even an aqueduct to transport warm water from thermal springs to the Roman baths. Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius visited the place with his wife. After retreat of Romans; the whole complex was forgotten. It was Austro-Hungarian field marshal von Hamilton; who re-animated the ancient Spa in 1718 as Herkulesbad. New infrastructure was built; and the little village became an illustrious holiday and recreation spot for high ranked visitors. In 1811; 944 spa guests were counted. In 1880; in Herculesbad lived 336 people; only; while in nearby village Pecini?ca lived around 600. It definitely became a hot spot; when Austrian emperor Franz Josef and his wife; empress Elizabeth; better known as Sisi; declared Herkulesbad to one of their favorite places and visited it; in 1884; 1887; 1890; 1892; and 1896.Today; the main town of Baile Herculane (Herkules Bath); erected around 1970; is a really busy place with hotels; restaurants; bars; market areas and spas; while the ancient place remains a time capsule of its own.In total; 15 thermal springs with thermal water between 38?C and 67癈 are along a stretch of 4 km. Most prominent are the building around ancient Hercules Place with the monumental statue of Hercules; erected in 1847. The bronze work was realized by sculptors Romelmayer and Glants; in Vienna. There are still Roman baths to be admired in the g

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