Les Halles at night inside the Baltard pavilions. Two butchers are entering the covered through road striding along as they arrive for work, each with their tools slung over the back of their relatively clean white overalls - knife sharpeners, butcher's knives, a bone saw, a sharpening steel, towels to mop up the blood. The tools would be for different butchers who did specialised jobs. Each has a homemade "mallette de boucher" - a set of butcher tools in an improvised haversack. Photographer Harold Chapman recalls... "It was a hard time, people hadn't got money." The covered through road is relatively quiet but once it was time to open the pavilions to the public and the people were let in, there was too much of a dense crowd to do anything... "I didn't just go running after butchers and things. I waited for the right moment." The butchers' clothes and tools would most probably have been kept in lockers in one of the pavilions' basements. Quartier des Halles, 1er arrondissement, Right Bank, Paris, France, circa 1960s.

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