Cichorium intybus; Echte Zichorie; Cichorium intybus (alte Namen) -- Familie Korbbl黷ler (Asteraceae); Gew鰄nliche Wegwarte; Cichorium intybus L.; Cichorium intybus; L.; Die Gemeine oder Gew鰄nliche Wegwarte; Cichorium intybus; auch Zichorie genannt; Pflanzenart aus der Familie der Korbbl黷ler; Asteraceae. Sie w鋍hst in Mitteleuropa verbreitet an Wegr鋘dern. Kulturformen sind Chicor閑; Radicchio; die Zichorienwurzel. Die Gemeine Wegwarte; in Deutschland die Blume des Jahres 2009.; Chicor閑; Fleischkraut; Kaffeezichorie; Salatzichorie; Wegwarte; Wurzelzichorie; other Syn.; Cichorium intybus var. foliosum Hegi; Cichorium intybus var. sativum (Bisch.) Janch.; Die Wegwarten; Cichorium; auch Zichorien genannt; sind eine Pflanzengattung in der Familie der Korbbl黷ler; Asteraceae.; Cichorium intybus - old Names; Family Asteraceae; Cichorium intybus L.; 1. also Belgium endive; chicory; coffee chicory; witloof; 1. Cichorium intybus; Common chicory; Cichorium intybus; is a somewhat woody; perennial herbaceous plant usually with bright blue flowers; rarely white or pink. Various varieties are cultivated for salad leaves; chicons; blanched buds; or for roots; var. sativum; which are baked; ground; and used as a coffee substitute and additive. It; is also grown as a forage crop for livestock. It lives as a wild plant on roadsides in its native Europe; and in North America and Australia; where it has become naturalized.; other Syn.; Cichorium intybus var. foliosum Hegi; Cichorium intybus var. sativum (Bisch.) Janch.; Cichorium; chicory or endive; genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae.

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