Lythrum salicaria - Peplis portula; 1. Blutkraut; Lythrum salicaria; 2. Portel; Peplis portula; (alte Namen) -- Familie Weiderichgew鋍hse (Lythraceae); 1. Blut-Weiderich; Lythrum salicaria L.; 2. Sumpfquendel; Peplis portula L.; Lythrum salicaria; L.; Der Gew鰄nliche Blutweiderich; Lythrum salicaria; Pflanzenart aus der Familie der Weiderichgew鋍hse; Lythraceae. Er wird als Futterpflanze von den Raupen aus der Familie der Nachtpfauenaugen; als Nektarspender unter anderem von Tagschmetterlingen gesch鋞zt; er w鋍hst an feuchten Standorten.; Blut-Weiderich; Die Blutweideriche oder Weideriche; Lythrum; bilden eine Pflanzengattung in der Familie der Weiderichgew鋍hse; Lythraceae. --; 2. Lythrum portula; L.; D.A. Webb; Sumpfquendel; Lythrum portula; auch Peplis portula; niedrigw點hsige; kriechende Pflanzenart der Weiderichgew鋍hse; Lythraceae. Sie besiedelt wechselnasse; kalkarme Standorte in Europa.; 2. Synonyme Peplis portula L. (basionym); Lythrum salicaria - Peplis portula - old Names; Family Lythraceae; 1. Lythrum salicaria L.; 2. Peplis portula L.; 1. also purple loosestrife; purple lythrum; spiked loosestrife; 1. Lythrum salicaria; Purple loosestrife; is a flowering plant belonging to the family Lythraceae; native to Europe; Asia; northwest Africa; and southeastern Australia. It should not be confused with other plants sharing the name loosestrife that are members of the family Primulaceae. Other names include spiked loosestrife; or purple lythrum.; Lythrum; genus commonly known as loosestrife. It is one of 32 genera of the family Lythraceae.; 2. Peplis portula; Synonyms; Peplis portula; Lythrum portula; is a species of flowering plant in the loosestrife family known by the common name spatulaleaf loosestrife. It is native to Europe; and it is found in parts of western North America as an introduced species. It often grows in moist habitat; such as marshes.; Synonyms Peplis portula L. (basionym); Peplis

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