Potentilla norvegica; Nordisches G鋘sekraut; Potentilla norvegica (alte Namen) -- Familie Rosengew鋍hse (Rosaceae); Norwegisches Fingerkraut; Potentilla norvegica L.; Potentilla norvegica; L.; Das Norwegische Fingerkraut; Potentilla norvegica; Pflanzenart in der Familie der Rosengew鋍hse; Rosaceae. Es kommt in Mitteleuropa recht selten vor.; norwegisches Fingerkraut; other Syn.; Potentilla monspeliensis L.; Potentilla norvegica subsp. monspeliensis (L.) Asch. & Graebn.; Die Pflanzengattung der Fingerkr鋟ter; Potentilla; geh鰎t zur Familie der Rosengew鋍hse; Rosaceae; und umfasst etwa 300 bis 500 Arten.; Potentilla norvegica - old Names; Family Rosaceae; Potentilla norvegica L.; 1. also rough cinquefoil; ternate-leaf cinquefoil; 1. Potentilla norvegica; Subspecies; P. norvegica ssp. monspeliensis; P. norvegica ssp. norvegica; Potentilla norvegica; is a species of cinquefoil known by the common names rough cinquefoil and Norwegian cinquefoil. It is native to Eurasia. It grows in many types of habitat; including disturbed; weedy areas.; It is present throughout North America; where it; is an introduced species of the continent.; other Syn.; Potentilla monspeliensis L.; Potentilla norvegica subsp. monspeliensis (L.) Asch. & Graebn.; Potentilla; genus containing about 500 species of annual; biennial and perennial herbaceous flowering plants in the rose family Rosaceae. It is usually called cinquefoil in English.

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