Drosera rotundifolia - Drosera media; 1. Rundbl鋞triger Sonnentau; Drosera rotundifolia; 2. Niedriger Sonnentau; Drosera media; (alte Namen) -- Familie Sonnentaugew鋍hse (Droseraceae); 1. Rundbl鋞triger Sonnentau; Drosera rotundifolia L.; 2. Mittlerer Sonnentau; Drosera intermedia Hayne; Drosera rotundifolia; L.; Der karnivore Rundbl鋞trige Sonnentau; Drosera rotundifolia; auch Himmelstau; Herrgottsl鰂fel; Himmelsl鰂felkraut; Sp鰈krut oder Widdertod genannt; Art aus der Familie der Sonnentaugew鋍hse; Droseraceae. Die Art ist wie alle in Deutschland vorkommenden Sonnentauarten durch die Bundesartenschutzverordnung gesch黷zt.; Die Gattung Sonnentau; Drosera; z鋒lt zur Familie der Sonnentaugew鋍hse; Droseraceae; und bildet mit ihren ann鋒ernd 200 Arten die zweitgr鲞te Gattung fleischfressender Pflanzen. --; Drosera rotundifolia - Drosera media - old Names; Family Droseraceae; 1. Drosera rotundifolia L.; 2. Drosera intermedia Hayne; 1. also round-leaf sundew; 1. Drosera rotundifolia; the common sundew or round-leaved sundew; is a species of sundew; a carnivorous plant often found in bogs; marshes and fens. One of the most widespread sundew species; it is generally circumboreal; being found in all of northern Europe; much of Siberia; large parts of northern North America; Korea; Japan and; is also found on New Guinea.; Drosera; sundews; cone of the largest genera of carnivorous plants; with at least 194 species. These members of the family Droseraceae lure; capture; and digest insects using stalked mucilaginous glands covering their leaf surface.; 2. Drosera media

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