Bromus tectorum - Bromus secalinus; 1. Dach-Trespe; Bromus tectorum; 2. Roggen-Trespe; Bromus secalinus; (alte Namen) -- Familie Sgr鋝er (Poaceae); 1. Dach-Trespe; Bromus tectorum L.; 2. Roggen-Trespe; Bromus secalinus L. s. str.; Bromus tectorum; L.; Die Dach-Trespe; Bromus tectorum; Pflanzenart aus der Familie der Sgr鋝er; Poaceae. Sie w鋍hst vor allem in 腸kern; kurzlebigen Unkrautfluren.; Dachtrespe; other Syn.; Anisantha tectorum (L.) Nevski (Bromus tectorum subsp. tectorum); Bromus sericeus Drobow (Bromus tectorum subsp. lucidus); Bromus tectorum var. glabratus Spenn. (Bromus tectorum subsp. tectorum); Die Trespen; Bromus; sind eine Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der Sgr鋝er; Poaceae. Sie sind weltweit verbreitet. --; 2. Bromus secalinus; L.; Die Roggen-Trespe; Bromus secalinus; Pflanzenart aus der Familie der Sgr鋝er; Poaceae.; Bromus tectorum - Bromus secalinus - old Names; Family Poaceae; 1. Bromus tectorum L.; 2. Bromus secalinus L. s. str.; 1. also bronco grass; cheatgrass; downy brome; downy chess; drooping brome; June grass; wall brome; 2. cheat; cheatgrass; chess; rye brome; 1. Bromus tectorum; Drooping brome or Cheat Grass; Bromus tectorum; is a grass native to Europe; southwestern Asia and northern Africa.; other Syn.; Anisantha tectorum (L.) Nevski (Bromus tectorum subsp. tectorum); Bromus sericeus Drobow (Bromus tectorum subsp. lucidus); Bromus tectorum var. glabratus Spenn. (Bromus tectorum subsp. tectorum); Bromus; genus of the grass family; Poaceae; commonly known as bromes; brome grasses; cheat grasses or chess grasses.; 2. Bromus secalinus; is a species of bromegrass known as rye brome.; This grass is native to Eurasia but is well known in many other parts of the world where it has been introduced. It; is a noxious weed throughout much of North America.

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