Avena flavescens - Avena tenuis; 1. Goldhafer; Avena flavescens; 2. D黱ner Hafer; Avena tenuis; (alte Namen) -- Familie Sgr鋝er (Poaceae); 1. Wiesen-Goldhafer; Trisetum flavescens subsp. flavescens; 2. Zweifelhafter Grannenhafer; Ventenata dubia (Leers) Coss. & Durieu; Der Wiesen-Goldhafer (Trisetum flavescens); in botanischer Literatur auch Gold-Grannenhafer; umgangssprachlich meist nur Goldhafer genannt; ist eine Pflanzenart; die zur Familie der Sgr鋝er (Poaceae) geh鰎t.; Goldhafer; other Syn.; Avena flavescens L. (basionym); Trisetum pratense Pers.; Hafer; Avena; ist eine Pflanzengattung in der Familie der Sgr鋝er; Poaceae. --; Avena flavescens - Avena tenuis - old Names; Family Poaceae; 1. Trisetum flavescens subsp. flavescens; 2. Ventenata dubia (Leers) Coss. & Durieu; 1. also golden oat grass; yellow oat grass; 1. Avena flavescens; Common Wild Oat; Avena flavescens; The oats; Avena; are a genus of 10-15 species of true grasses; family Poaceae. They are native to Europe; Asia and northwest Africa. One species is widely cultivated elsewhere; and several have become naturalized in many parts of the world. All oats have edible seeds; though they are small and hard to harvest in most species.; Avena species; including cultivated oats; are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Rustic Shoulder-knot and Setaceous Hebrew Character.; other Syn.; Avena flavescens L. (basionym); Trisetum pratense Pers.; Avena; oats; genus of 10-15 species of true grasses; family Poaceae.; 2. Avena tenuis

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