Stipa capillata - Stipa pennata; 1. Haargras; Stipa capillata; 2. Federgras; Stipa pennata; (alte Namen) -- Familie Sgr鋝er (Poaceae); 1. Haar-Pfriemengras; Stipa capillata L.; 2. Grauscheidiges Federgras; Stipa pennata L. s. str.; Die Federgr鋝er und Pfriemengr鋝er; Stipa; sind eine weltweit verbreitete Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der Sgr鋝er; Poaceae. --; 2. Die Federgr鋝er und Pfriemengr鋝er (Stipa) sind eine weltweit verbreitete Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der Sgr鋝er (Poaceae).; Stipa capillata - Stipa pennata - old Names; Family Poaceae; 1. Stipa capillata L.; 2. Stipa pennata L. s. str.; 1. Stipa capillata; is a perennial bunchgrass species in the family Poaceae; native to Europe and Asia.; Stipa; genus of around 300 large perennial hermaphroditic grasses collectively known as feather grass; needle grass; and spear grass. They are placed in the subfamily Pooideae and the tribe Stipeae. Many species are important forage crops.; 2. Stipa pennata; common name feather grass; is a flowering plant in the family Poaceae; which is grown as an ornamental plant for its feathery flowering spikes.

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