Achilleas Paraschos [1838-1895]was a 19th Century Greek poet of the Romantic School of poetry.Paraschos was born Achilleas Nasakis or Nasikoglou; in the mid-1830s; in Nafplio; to a family that hailed from the island of Chios. He was mostly self-educated and settled in Athens where he earned his living mostly from poetry or from influential friends who appointed him to various positions; eventhough he did not have the necessary qualifications. An important poet of the generation of 1880; he was representative of the New Athenian School. and Gallery of the Literary Society Parnassos.Paraschos was quite popular in his day as his romantic poetry suited the mood of that period. Crowds of people would gather any place he would recite his poems and he toured extensively within Greece and among the Greek communities abroad.Paraschos died on January 26; 1895 and was buried in the First Cemetery of Athens.IN THE PHOTO: STATUE / MARBLE Achilleas Parashos ARTIST -Dimitriadis Athineoswas a donation by the Parnasos Gallery

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