Dion is a village and a part of the municipality Dio-Olympos; best known for its archaeological site and the Archaeological Museum of Dion. the ancient city of Dion located at the foot of Mount Olympus. The village owes its name to the important sanctuary dedicated to Zeus =Dias; leader of the gods who dwelt on Mount Olympus; The first mention of Dion in history comes from Thucydides; 鈥?at the end of the 5th century BC; gave the city and its sanctuary their subsequent importance by instituting a nine-day festival that included athletic and dramatic competitions in honor of Zeus and the Muses.'鈥he site of ancient Dion was first identified by the English traveler William Martin Leake on December 2; 1806; in the ruins adjoining the village of Malathria. He published his discovery in the third volume of his Travels in Northern Greece in 1835. L茅on Heuzey visited the site during his famous Macedonian archaeological mission of 1855 and again in 1861. Later; the epigraphist G. Oikonomos published the first series of inscriptions. Nevertheless; systematic archaeological exploration did not begin until 1928.IN THE PHOTO: Great BathsThessaloniki University has excavated the site since 1928. Ten bathhouses have been discovered in Dion; but the great Baths complex is the largest and most luxurious. The pillars visible in the photograph supported the floor above the hypocaust; where hot air circulated to heat the room. The rooms were decorated with beautiful mosaic and marble floors.

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