030_ MUS-ACRO-KORE_#679Statue of a maiden. She takes her name from the heavy wool garment which she wears over her chiton (only the hem of the chiton is visible); though the precise nature of her dress has since been questioned because a peplos does not normally form sleeves as it seems to here. The simplicity of her dress is particularly noteworthy since by this time (the early 520's) the many other korai dedicated on the Acropolis invariably wear the more elaborate Ionic himation. This difference is sometimes explained as a manifestation of her Attic style or because she is the work of an older sculptor; but it has also been suggested that she should be separated from the series of maidens who were dedications to Athena. The face is characterized by an interest in converging planes. The eyes and mouth occupy hollows which emphasize these features; separated by strongly protruding cheeks and a broad nose. The details are so close to the face of the Rampin Horseman that the two are often attributed to the same sculptor. If true; she must be one of his late works; for she is stylistically much advanced. The mouth; though retaining the up-lifted corners of an archaic smile; is now much softer; more relaxed; less triangular in form. The more developed form of the eyes corresponds to the equally developed forms of the body. Condition Description: Missing only left forearm (which was attached separately) and lower right corner of skirt with forepart of feet.Material Description: Parian Marbleca. 530 BC - ca. 525 BC H. 1.18 m not including plinthScale is Under life-sizeWORKSHOP ATTICAFULL FRONT VIEW

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