ORGAN MUSICIn 1963; organ manufacturers Romanus Seifert of Kevelaer installed a mechanical tracker-action organ built by Daniel Roetzel in 1874 into a Baroque organ case dating from around 1700. The nineteenth century organ had previously stood in the church at Balve.IRON WORKS Following a decision reached by the cathedral chapter; the inner choir was redecorated in the Baroque style between 1767 and 1770 according to plans drawn up by the Li鑗e architect Etienne Fayn. Some of the cathedral's medieval furnishings-such as the sedilia; the lectern; the sacrament house; and the gate-were lost in the process. Magnificent new Rococo gates; which were originally coloured and are now painted black; were created to separate the ambulatory from the inner choir. The high altar was covered with a tabernacle resting on seven pillars that symbolised the House of Wisdom. Monumental wooden seated statues of the cathedral's patron saints; St Peter and the Virgin Mary; were added to the right and left of the tabernacle. Smaller side altars completed the Baroque image. In 1895; in the very last stage of the process to return the cathedral to its original medieval appearance; all Baroque furnishings with the exception of the choir gates; were removed from the cathedral and put into storage; where they remain to this day. Theoretically; they could be returned to the cathedral. The only remaining testament to the magnificence of these furnishings are a few sketches in the Cathedral Archive and a few photos dating from the nineteenth century.

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