The yellow tailflower (Anthocercis littorea) is a native of the coast of Australia. A shrub growing up to 3 meters high; it has dull green leaves and tubular yellow flowers with a purple-streaked interior. Augusta Innes Withers (1793~1877): Augusta Baker; a clergyman's daughter; lived and worked in London all her life. She married an accountant; Theodore Withers; 20 years her senior; and gave lessons in flower painting. She became Flower Painter in Ordinary to Queen Adelaide. During the 1830s and 40s; she drew for books and magazines such as Lindley's Pomological Magazine; Curtis's Botanical Magazine; and Transactions of the Horticultural Society. At one time; she applied to JD Hooker at the Royal Botanical Garden at Kew for the post of Botanical Flower Painter; but she was rejected. Her most famous illustrations were the orchid paintings in James Bateman's Orchidacae of Mexico and Guatemala (1837~41).Benjamin Maund's The Botanist was a five-volume series that introduced 250 new plants from 1836 to 1842. The series is notable for its many female artists: the plates were drawn by Maund's daughters Sarah and Eliza; Augusta Withers; Priscilla Bury; Jane Taylor; Miss R. Mills among others. The other characteristic is partial colouring - many of the finely detailed copperplate engravings are left with part of the flower and leaves uncoloured.

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