Female mandrake plant (Atropa mandragora or Mandragora officinarum).French botanist Jean Baptiste Francois Pierre Bulliard was born around 1742 at Aubepierre-en-Barrois (Haute Marne) and died on 26 September 1793 in Paris. He studied at Angers; and later illustrated and published a number of botanical and mycological works on French flora. He studied art and engraving under Francois Martinet; the celebrated artist of many of Buffon's natural history books. His first book was 鈥楩lora of Paris' (1776-80); a re-edition of Sebastien Vaillant's work according to the Linnaean system. From 1780 until his death in 1793 he worked on the 鈥楬erbier de la France;' a complete flora of French plants with over 600 plates. It was probably the first botanical work completely colour printed without retouching by hand. Blunt calls it 鈥榓n attractive work; illustrated with colored engravings that are both delicate and accurate.' Gill Saunders wrote in 鈥楶icturing Plants' (1995): 鈥楾he Herbier is one of the most impressive examples of colour-printing in the history of botanical illustration.'Bulliard drew; engraved and colour-printed all his own books and developed an instantly recognizable style. The botanical subject is arranged to fill a bordered window and the descriptive text is engraved below. Bulliard pioneered color copperplate printing: the image was formed with a line engraving in black; followed by three tint plates to add color to the flowers and leaves. The system meant he was able to produce illustrated books in color at a lower price than his competitors.

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