Located in southeast of the Acropolis and next to the Ilissos river; the Olympeion sanctuary to the Olympian Zeus. Here stands one of the greatest ancient temples of Zeus and; according to Vitruvius; one of the most famous marble buildings ever constructed. The sanctuary's foundation is attributed to mythical Deukalion. The site also comprises the temple of Apollo Delphinios - the sanctuary of Apollo Delphinios was traditionally associated with Theseus - and a tripartite building with a south courtyard of ca. 500 BC south of the site . abandoned in the third century AD. The temple was Doric peripteral with two columns in antis on the front and back. In the second century AD; Hadrian built a Roman temple of the Doric order; with a built enclosure and an outdoor altar; . The latter has been identified as the Delphinion Court; which was founded by Aegeas. The the Olympeion was a place of worship of chthonic deities and of ancient Athenian heroes since prehistory. Peisistratus the Young initiated the construction of a monumental temple in 515 BC; failed to complete his project because of the fall of tyranny. unfinished for approximately 400 years; until Antiochus IV Epiphanes resumed its construction in 174 BC. It was completed in AD 124/125 by Emperor Hadrian;

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