101_ROMANS_TITUS born Dec. 30; AD 39 died Sept. 13; AD 81 Titus Vespasianus Augustus ; original name Titus Flavius Vespasianus Roman emperor (79帽81); Titus was energetic in promoting his father's candidacy for the imperial crown. Licinius Mucianus; legate of Syria; whom he reconciled with Vespasian; considered that one of Vespasian's greatest assets was to have so promising a son and heir. Immediately on being proclaimed emperor in 69; Vespasian gave Titus charge of the Jewish war; and a large-scale campaign in 70 culminated in the capture and destruction of Jerusalem in September. (The Arch of Titus [81]; still standing at the entrance to the Roman Forum; commemorated his victory.) The victorious troops in Palestine urged Titus to take them with him to Italy; it was suspected that they acted on his prompting and that he was considering some sort of challenge to his father. But eventually he returned alone in summer 71; triumphed jointly with Vespasian; and was made commander of the Praetorian Guard. He also received tribunician power and was his father's colleague in the censorship of 73 and in several consulships. Although Vespasian had in various ways avoided making Titus his own equal; the son became the military arm of the new principate and is described by Suetonius as particeps atque etiam tutor imperii (鈥榮harer and even protector of the empire卯). As such he incurred unpopularity; worsened by his relations with Berenice (sister of the Syrian Herod Agrippa II); who lived with him for a time in the palace and hoped to become his wife. But the Romans had memories of Cleopatra; and marriage to an Eastern queen was repugnant to public opinion. Twice he reluctantly had to dismiss her; the second time just after Vespasian's death. STATUE HERE IS MARBLE ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM ANCIENT OLYMPIA A.D. 71-81

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