Porto Desire is situated on Argentina's Patagonian coast. The expedition led by Willem Schouten and Jacob le Maire wished to make landfall here to take on fresh food and water. But fate intervened: during maintenance the vessel 鈥楬oorn' went up in flames. The blaze is shown on the right. Bottom left the crew are shown killing a sealion for its meat. The voyage undertaken by Schouten and Le Maire in 1615 was equipped by Le Maire's father for the Australische Compagnie (Australian Company). This company attempted to circumvent the VOC's patent by finding another route to Indonesia. Schouten and Le Maire succeeded in doing so by sailing around Vuurland instead of through the Magellan Strait. But to no avail: on their arrival in Batavia they were not believed and their remaining ship; de Eendracht; was impounded along with their cargo. Aus: Newe Welt und americanische Kolonien; von Johan Ludwig Gottfriedt; Frankfurt am Main (Merian) 1631Matthaeus Merian

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