Pact. Beezlebub, the Lord of the Flies, overlooking a pact, of which he is signator. The second part of a written pact, drawn up between a number of demons, and the priest Urbain Grandier. In his, the named demons record the terms they offer in return for Grandier's soul. This pact - which seems to have been fraudulently drawn up by Grandier's enemies - was used as evidence in his trial, at Loudun, in 1634, in consequence of which he was burned to death. The pact is in mirror-writing (in Latin, which is heavily abbreviated, and in parts difficult to read), and translates: We, the all powerful Lucifer, supported by Satan, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Elimi, Astaroth, in addition to others, have today accepted a federal pact with Urban Grandier, who is with us. We have promised him the love of women, the flower of virgins, the chastity of nuns, honours, pleasures and riches. Every three days he will fornicate, he will delight in inebriation. Each year, he will offer to us his sign (marked) in blood, he will trample under his heel the sacraments of the church, and he will offer to us his prayers. By which (this) pact he will live happily for twenty years among men on earth, and he will come afterwards among us to do evil to God. Written in hell, among the council of the demons. (Then there follows the signatures of the demons, still in mirror-writing) Satan, Beelzebub, Lucifer, Elimi, Leviathan, Astarath. The mark of the chief demon and the demonic princes, by the lord Baalberith notarized and written.

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