SYMBOLS - OCCULT ART - ROSICRUCIANS - SPIRALS One of a series of influential occult engravings by William Law, in explication of the principles in the arcane thought of the Rosicrucian, Jacob Boehme, from The Works of Jacob Behmen, The Teutonic Theosopher, Vol 1, 1764. Plate 7 illustrates the conditions pertaining to the creation of Adam (represented in the diagram as the letter A in a flaming circle. The flames are a reminder that Adam was in the 'Image and Likeness of GOD'. The encircled numbers have taken on a new order, to run in sequence in clockwise order, with the number 1 corresponding to the first sign of the zodiac, Aries (hidden behind the crown). With the creation of Adam, the planets have emerged, in the spiral that runs within the zodiacal belt, centering on the Sun, and on the cross. The outermost planet is the Earth itself. The quotations are from William Law's An Illustration of the Deep Principles of Jacob Behmen, the Teutonic Theosopher.

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