SYMBOLS - OCCULT ART - ROSICRUCIANS One of a series of influential occult engravings by William Law, in explication of the principles in the arcane thought of the Rosicrucian, Jacob Boehme, from The Works of Jacob Behmen, The Teutonic Theosopher, Vol 1, 1764. Plate 5 is a graphic development of the previous plate, in which the outer circle (itself made up a plethora of smaller circles) encloses the three circles that symbolize the expression on the material plane of the Godhead, IEHOVA. God, he 'All Glorious Flames of Fire' is eternally replenishing the created realm, which Boehme calls 'Eternal Nature'. Each of the inner circles is now ablaze, and their central suns are crowned. Although the outer Seal of Solomon remains, the innermost symbol is now that of the Triune Godhead, now (in comparison with Plate 1) reversed, perhaps to show that the Godhead is now manifested itself in Nature. The quotations are from William Law's An Illustration of the Deep Principles of Jacob Behmen, the Teutonic Theosopher.

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