ASTROLOGY - ZODIACS - KIRCHER Kirchers composite eclectic zodiac, based on his view of the Egyptian culture and hieroglyphics. The central circle gives the winged disk, which Kircher interprets as Triform Godhead [Numen], and which he names the Hemphta. The first concentric gives the number of the house (domus), or twelfth part of the circle: the next gives the corresponding name in the Graeco-Roman tradition of the zodiac signs or constellations [thus, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc.]. The next concentrics offer the corresponding ancient god that (in Kircher's opinion) links with the named zodiacal sign, along with an image and, in most cases, a sigil. In this correspondence: Amun is associated with Aries. His horns are said to be the origin of the sigil for Aries. Apis is associated with Taurus. His head and horns are said to be the origin of the sigil for Taurus. Hercules and Apollo (the mortal and the immortal) are associated with Gemini. Their outstretched legs and arms are said to be the origin of the sigil for Gemini. Hermanubis, the bird-headed Greek version of the Egyptian god is associated with Cancer. The origin of the sigil for Cancer is obscure. Momphto [?] is associated with Leo. The tail of the Lion is said to be the origin of the sigil for Leo. Isis, the Queen among the Egyptian female neters, is associated with Virgo. Three ears of corn (Spicae) are said to be the origin of the sigil for Virgo. Omphta is associated with Libra, and the sigil of the sign is said (quite wrongly) to be derived from the balance. Typhon, the Greek equivalent of Set, is associated with Scorpio. No origin for the sigil is offered. Nephte is associated with Sagittarius. The sigil for the sign is associated with the centaur's arrow. Most curiously, Anubis is associated with Capricornus: in the image, *** Local Caption *** Anubis carries a sistrum and draws, on a chain, the makara-like goat- fish. One presumes that the sigil is a simple delineation of this pair. Canopus, a Nilotic coastal town, where Osiris was worshipped in the form of a human-headed jar, is associated with Aquarius. The sigil for the sign is seen as a graphic for water. Ichton (or Ichthon) the half-man, half-fish, is associated with Pisces. No origin for the sigil is offered, but it is hinted at as a vestigial drawing of the two united fishes. From Athanasius Kircher, Oedipus Aegyptiacus, 1654.

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