THEOSOPHY - THOUGHT-FORMS - ASTRAL PLANE [Top] The upper form is seen by the trained occultist when someone is experiencing jealousy - the curious shape reveals the eagerness with which the person watches the object of his desires. This 'unpleasant' form resembles a snake. [Bottom] Occult vision of what explosive jealousy [mixed with anger or frustration] looks like on the astral plane: the emotion is something akin to warring with the whole world, rather than being angry with a single individual, or group. Paintings of thought-forms were originated by a group of Theosophists, towards the end of the nineteenth century. The paintings were done, following the occult observations of such 'thoughts' or 'visions' on the astral plane, by Charles Leadbeater (Besant claimed such an astral vision, but it is unlikely that this was genuine), by John Varley (a descendant of the John Varley who taught William Blake astrology), Mr. Prince and Miss Macfarlane, all three of whom painted 'in earth's dull colours the forms clothed in the living light of other worlds'. The paintings were reproduced, and discussed, in Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater, Thought-Forms, 1901 edn, from which these plates are photographed.

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