HOROSCOPES - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA The chart is cast for the moment of the public proclamation of the Declaration of Independence, in Philadelphia, at noon, on 8 July 1776. The date, time and place were enshrined in early American history by the Pennsylvania Evening Post, for Tuesday 7-9 July 1776. See also Edward Channing, A History of the United States, Vol. III The American Revolution 1761-1789, 1912, p.205. The suggestion, that this chart could be a valid horoscope of the United States, is proposed in Nicholas Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes, 1996 revised edn., pp.417-8. This useful work offers as many as 15 speculative horoscopes, starting with the chart for the formation of the First Continental Congress, on 5 September 1774, through various dates in 1776 relating to the legal deliberations touching on the Declaration of Independence, to the formation of the Federal Government, on 17 September, 1787. In addition to reviewing the validity of these times, Campion takes notice of the curious Ebenezer Sibly chart (published as an elaborate engraving in 1790 - of which a hand-coloured version is in the Charles Walker Collection). This is not a conventional horoscope for the moment of the Declaration, as is so often believed, but a horary chart relating to the event, in terms of a London querent. The obverse of the Great Seal of the United States, in the centre of this figure, is that of 1909, from the drawing in Gaillard Hunt, The History of the Seal of the United States (1909). The style of sigillization in the chart is based on the engraved plates in Sibly's work, A New and Complete Illustration of the Occult Sciences (1790). Continued ..... *** Local Caption *** The full data for the chart discussed above is: Moon 21.22 Aries Sun 16.56 Cancer Mercury 22.06 r. Cancer Venus 07.45 Cancer Mars 23.57 Gemini Jupiter 06.47 Cancer Saturn 14.56 Libra Uranus 09.07Gemini Neptune 22.29 Virgo Pluto 27.29 r. Capricorn Caput 07.24 Leo Fortuna 18.22 Cancer Ascend. 13.56 Libra MC 16.05 Cancer

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