A young leaf of Cardiocrinum giganteum, the Giant Himalayan lily, showing leaf venation.In the centre, the thick (brown) midrib can be seen producing branches, both major - 4 each side - and many that are smaller. This pattern is repeated by the major side branches. The result is called parallel venation, and is typical of Liliaceae and other plants that have a single seed leaf ( monocotyledons). The veins contain cells that form vascular tissues like the pipes in a plumbing system. Some (xylem) conduct water and minerals from the soil to the photosynthetic cells in the leaf. Others (phloem) carry the products of photosynthesis away from the leaf. C. giganteum is a native of the Himalayas, NW Burma and SW China. It is a monocarpic bulbous perennial. After flowering, the bulb dies, leaving offsets, that can be grown on. It requires a cool moist site in moderate shade as a garden plant

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