French Revolution-Louis Philippe Joseph d'Orl?ans (13 April 1747  6 November 1793) commonly kNown as Philippe was a member of a cadet branch of the House of Bourbon the ruling dynasty of France. He actively supported the French Revolution and adopted the name Philippe ?galit? but was Nonetheless guillotined during the Reign of Terror. His son Louis-Philippe became King of the French after the July Revolution of 1830. Following his career the term Orl?anist came to be attached to the movement in France that favoured constitutional monarchy. As a member of the House of Bourbon Louis Philippe was shortlisted for a trial and effectively tried and guillotined in the space of one day on 6 November 1793. Accounts of his incarceration and execution mention his exceptional courage. He was granted a final wish to have a gracious dinner before the execution but having been stripped of all assets upon his arrest was ultimately refused this request (illustration by Yan' Dargent 1824-1899)

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